Tip 16: Behind-The-Scenes Access to Million Dollar Real Estate Business

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Your comment

  1. Johnny says:

    The possibilities are there for the taking.
    Thanks Marko!

  2. george tally says:

    sounds great, how much is it and how much can i make from it?

  3. Mr. Charles says:

    I am so close to putting my first deal together Marko!!

  4. Johnny says:

    Great Tips

  5. Steve Rowan says:

    Looks very good.
    Organization is key to running a successful business.

  6. john anderson says:

    That was good information. I already have profit grabber and learning it. Still working on finding first deal. It does get discouraging. I have been thru 2 partners, ha, will the 3rd be the charm?

  7. jean wong says:

    I am in need of private lenders

  8. charles says:

    Is it possible to get control of a foreclosed property without meeting with the seller. Because I’m from canada I can’t meet with the vendor. I didn’t install the profit grabber because of the marketing problems from this country, such as sending mail and meeting with the vendor. thanks for reading.

  9. Joe B says:

    Marko, you are the GIFT that keeps giving. You have given us the KEYS to the Vault. It is time for us (your students) to pick up our keys and open the vault door.
    For those of us who are FEARLESS, success is waiting for those of us who want to succeed, no matter what.