Tip 1: What Do You Say

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Your comment

  1. Michael Derickson says:

    Dude, I lost so many deals for not knowing what to say… This makes A LOT OF SENSE!!!!

  2. Tim says:

    Great Tip Marko! This will help me Do More Deals!

  3. Becki says:

    Marko where have you been all my life???? LOL I have been trying for 8 years to try to make this thing call Real Estate Investing work for me. I have all the courses and have done all the mistakes!!!!! I am so SMART and I know what to do but IMPLIMENTING has been my problem. I have said all the wrong things and this REALLY makes sense. I can not wait to get to know you and work with you…I can do this and you just gave me the confidence that I needed to continue on because it can be done!!!! I know it can and I am going to be a testimony for you!! Thanks Becki

  4. jdith says:

    Marko I’ve been doing this wrong all my life. I made this one simple adjustment and I already got results. It’s tooooo early to tell if it is going to work 100% but this tip seems to really work. Just wanted to say thanks and I look forward to more videos from you.


  5. sally o'neal says:

    great video marko. keep it up.

  6. JED says:

    Mark, pls do not give all the secrets of power real estate investors away. Otherwise you’ll increase our competition. Leave out the big ones next time? OK?

  7. Lisa says:

    I consider myself a real estate novice… actually don’t know a thing about it but started thinking now would be a good time to get into real estate investing being that in my other businesses I have always purchased low and sold high…. Basically I want to get in before prices go up again when the bankers start lending all the money again they are hording from the bailouts. Anyway, I think I’ll call my LLC something generic and have a DBA using this tip you gave me. That way when the market turns around I can use the same LLC. Great practical no nonsense advise. Looking forward to more from you (hint: that means please send me mroe videos).

  8. ETHAN A. says:

    Great video man. Can’t wait to see more.

  9. SETH says:

    great information marko. i’ve lost a few deals my first two years doing it like this. it really comes down to finding out how you can help these people and slowly building trust. going in like you suggest can help a lot, but remember you have to follow up and try and help them

  10. terry says:

    Sounds pretty sweet…I looking forward to learning if it is REALLY as simple as presented..

  11. Ferri Lessley says:

    MARKO: This is great content and well presented. Thanks! Keep the info flowing.

  12. Ruby Joyle says:

    This is the single best tip I have heard in a long time in terms of giving practical advise people can use right now; or use when they start working in their real estate business. Please keep these types of videos coming. Thanks. RUBY JOYLE.

  13. KEN says:

    Marko, thanks for the advice. Keep up the work on informing me.

  14. Jerry says:

    Marko, it’s Jerry Thompson. Thanks for the tip. I just got the new course you put out and I’m impressed. Thanks.

  15. Ollie K. SCott says:

    This information you are sharing, are great points from your very own learning experience, excellent value.

  16. Barry says:

    Marko you know excactly what you are ttalking about. It is so wonderful and refreshing to have real practical tips.

  17. O. says:

    I am deeply moved by this video. Just because it is real tips that can change a business… I would venture to say you need to understand your clients and help them the best as possible. Great tips KEEP IT UP

  18. rabbit says:

    I love this… pls keep the videos coming. Please send more love.

  19. Aaron says:

    You are so right!!

  20. Philip Cressey Jr says:

    right on Marko, this is an excellent tip. What’s the next one?

  21. carol cruickshank says:

    Thanks Marko for the great tip. What you said made a lot of sense.

  22. Sid says:

    Good stuff Marko…thanks

  23. Stacy Creech says:

    Another great tip! Yes I have run into that guarded apprehension as soon as the word “investor” is mentioned. Everyone knows a service is designed to help, or do something for, them.

    As investors we do want to help them out of their property, at a profit. But investor has a bad taste to it for most sellers. They expect to be hit with something they do not want to hear.

    A service automatically puts you into a safe bracket in the sellers mind. Brilliant!!!
    Thanks Marko for sharing these tips

  24. Teddi says:

    Very helpful information Marko. Thank you for sharing!!

  25. Julia Pollard says:

    Hi Marco, i really got educated on your video what do you say makes a lot of sense. I look forward to more video tips.

  26. rodolfo estrada says:

    excellent very pro. I like it Thank you MARKO !!!!!!!!

  27. charles says:

    THIS IS GREAT>>>>>

  28. William Barth says:

    This is great information. I took the Donald Trump Real Estate course and what you gave me is better then what they gave me.

    Thanks Marko


  29. liberty says:

    that was great im going to try it for my next offer

  30. David says:

    Marko, you nailed it here man. Can’t tell you how many programs I’ve researched that left out this one simple item. Keep it REAL and keep it coming.


  31. Grant says:


    I went back and start reviewing your Tips and Videos over again and I feel that I wasted my time and money going to seminars and boot camps that use cliches instead of common sinse. I’ve just spent a large sum of money for coaching that overwhems you with data and special log-in access without really getting the information that I need to accomplish my Goals. I need your “common sinse” tips, suggestions and sincere help to meet my Goals for a person who has just taken retirement due to no job availability. I’m a retired Telecommunications Engineer who found out my services are no longer considered along with thousands of others like myself.

    Marko, I been trying to raise my credibilllity such that I could get investors (or Equity Partners) to share in the purchase of Multi-Family Apartments. Even though my credit ratings are (750 to 777) the banks are not lending, plus at my age I don’t need to strap myself with a larger dept – especially on a fixted income.

  32. Stephanie Costello says:

    WOW! That first tip was great, Marko. I can’t wait for the next one.

  33. Laurel says:

    Thanks! I can see how this will change the “temperature” of the conversation immediately.

  34. Jaime DE La Torre says:

    It makes sense! I’m in sales practically since I’m in dippers.
    And I know is all about how you sell yourself (Is all about your service)

  35. Ron Barbieri says:


    I very much like your approach, even though I haven’t yet mastered your entire program.

    Although I have been in the real estate business for the past 48 years, I am one of several of my constituants that are fed up trying to work with banks that won’t listen, and are taking advantage of homeowners.

    I own Premiere Property Services, and I enjoy helping people solve their financial positions as much as I possibly can. Your program seems to be in line with my thinking, and I am excited to move forward as quickly as possible, and have you teach me as much as you can.

    Thank You.

    Ron Barbieri

  36. Anna Monson says:

    I enjoy your videos, I take a lot of notes, and even back them up several times to make sure I didn’t miss anything!

  37. Will says:

    I’ve never learn what you just shared in this video from no where else in real estate.

    Everything you mentioned about, what has been said many
    years, not to say but you followed up with what to say is definitely worth it’s weight in gold. It sounds less cocky, not telegraphing a low offer, plus they just assume whats next. Your introduction lets them know we are a service to them to sell their house by buying it in 7 days or less. The rest of how to proceed is based on insight of of closing cost.

    It is so clear and of grand value in such a short video. You’ve got my attention. I just got your offer on your program yesterday, couldn’t sleep last night. I expected the same as most other real estate education systems. But it wasn’t. Now I’m excited all over a gain, could sleep last night. Thank You Marko for this life changing opportunity.

  38. Steven McPherson says:

    Great Video, Makes sense telling people that you are a service because that’s exactly what we do.

  39. ames tyndall says:

    Thank you for this priceless information! I have spent thousands of dollars over the past 5 yrs. being told the incorrect things to say to prospective clients. Your experience and willingness to share ” What To Say” shows your ability and intent to really help others learn. I look forward to learning more, in the days, months and yrs. to come. Thanks Again, James

  40. percy banks jr says:

    Hi, Marko I appreciated this tip, I have a website call Investors Investment Service, knowing what i know now with tip should i change the name to real estate investment service for a better change at educating the cleint. I’m new to this business.

  41. Vernette says:

    Thanks so much….. great tip!

  42. mitch - Detroit Metro says:


    Fly out to Michigan!!! Detroit-Metro, Oakland County specifically (fourth wealthiest County in the United States) and mentor me in THE toughest market in the U.S.

    Be my hero for life…. I’ll be your advocate and shining example…

    Sincerely, Respectfully,

    Mitchell Greene

  43. mitch - Detroit Metro says:


    Fly out to Michigan!!! Detroit-Metro, Oakland County specifically (fourth wealthiest County in the United States) and mentor me in THE toughest market in the U.S.

    Be my hero for life…. I’ll be your advocate and shining example…

    Sincerely, Respectfully,

    Mitchell Greene

  44. Susan ie Pat says:

    I love real estate and was an investor in the early 2000’s but like others you mentioned I have come on challenging times. Can’t find a job really don’t want to go into corporate work rather be in real estate. I like many have received many courses during my career, but with a background in finance I love your approach. Have read and watched everything available so far and love how you are helping homeowners and investors alike. Financially I am broke but spiritually I am filled with the excitement of the possibilities, finally, that you provide. Thank you I am. Very optomistic with your materials.

  45. Paul B. says:

    that was great im going to try it for my next offer.ThankYou Marko
    Paul B.

  46. Shamel says:

    What a simple change in verbiage that could make or break a deal right from the start. I will definitely use this when I get started….Thanks Marko!

  47. Von Merritt says:

    Excellent Tip! I have been studying Real Estate Investing for some time and have NEVER heard that before. This simple, but powerful tip is sure to increase the number of deals I can get exponentially! I didn’t realize that I was killing a lot of deals before they even got started! Thanks again for solid advice that is sure to help me grow my business.

  48. Eddie says:

    Awesome! More great info before my course comes in the mail. Thanks, Marko

  49. MAJOR PECBOT says:

    That was a grate tip, im going to put that on my business card. is that ok?

  50. James Irvine says:

    Makes sense< Marko.

  51. Lisa says:

    That made perfect sense and so true!!

  52. Charlotte Sims says:

    So simple but soooooo effective. Makes sense thank you.

  53. Paulette says:

    Marko, great tip. But I’m a realtor what would I say?

  54. Margaret Geary says:

    Bingo. In a nutshell, exactly what happened to me. Thank you, now I know what I should be saying. I always thought to myself (when I said I’m an investor) why would they want to sell me their house. They have to want to sell me their house for this to work. Thank you, thank you. Bravo!

  55. LaLeata says:

    That piece of information alone just made my diminished my apprehension of talking to a client on the phone by a very wide margin! Thank you so much!

  56. Milton Murray says:

    Just a great, great first pitch line. I never would of thought of it myself. GOOD JOB!!! Milt

  57. Trevor Gillette says:

    Wow, I’ve never heard this tip before. It really makes a lot of sense. Totally not what the other Gurus have said before. I can’t wait to implement it.

  58. Leroy says:

    I love it, great information.

  59. Ken says:

    Great stuff Marco, this one change in how I respond to motivated sellers is worth more than double what I paid for the course.

    Thanks a bunch!

  60. James Croom says:

    That is fantastic. I was in insurance sales for 22 years and I understand how important the use of words and phrases can affect your success or lack of success.

  61. James Croom says:

    I have to have your complete program which I’m ordering today.

  62. Timothy F Abfall says:

    I totally agree. I’ve always told people I am
    a Business Entrepreneur even on my cards, But your saying is alot softer way and thanks to you I will start using it!!!!

  63. dorian says:

    Good advise We have been using a intro like this for a wile and it does work

  64. Cynthia says:

    I just got the kit, but it sounds like a great tip. I will remember this so Im prepared

  65. ghina.1 says:

    Thanks..does it really work ..now if I convince them…where am I going to get the fund to purchase the home? or that’s another trick to more information from me. Listen I know you mean well but I had enough scam and con people out there that just there for advantages of another..so be for real and let’s face it all the out other are running out of tricks. If you are real San diegan native you can fool another San diegan like me too. thank can reply in without advertising it.
    Gina Hovind

  66. Brenda says:

    Very interesting and informative, thanks, B

  67. Mike Sanchez says:


    Oh my goodness!! PERFECT!! It was like you were reading my mind…I just last night started the process of getting potential FSBOs to call me, and after about an hour, I realized I didn’t know what I was going to say when they called…

    The next morning, there was this email, Tip #1, Bless you, bless you, bless you!!!

    Your very excited student,

  68. Ray Martin says:

    Great tip and thank you. But i also wanted to ask How can you Purchase a property Seller Financing with 0 Dn 4/3 + ,3k sf SFR price range 300 to 400k is this possible or am i just on a wild goose chase from my end buyer. Ray M. 480-748-7014 or e-mail me rdmbht@yahoo.com I live in Mesa,Az

  69. Carole says:


  70. Ed Savage says:


    It’s a real pleasure watching you on your videos. Great advice, we get so caught up in thinking too much to say the right things. Keep it coming. Great help…

    Ed Savage

  71. Peggy Sue Palakiko says:

    Thanks Marko! What a great way to set the negociations and their mindset that we’re here to help, not gouge the seller!

  72. Nora Rivera says:

    This was a Excellent Tip to know, Marko because I have lost quite a bit of opportunities by presenting myself as an Investor!
    Thank you so much, look forward to working with you!!

    Nora Rivera

  73. Ric Leonori says:

    Outstanding discription of what we want to do supply a service for those who need us. It creates a urgency right from the get go.
    You Rock the Free World Marco.

  74. Mike H says:

    This approach makes a lot of sense. Helps eliminate barriers and anxiety by the potential seller

  75. Abel G.Lopez says:

    Marko, Your #1 tip for getting more deals is amazing! Its simple and very powerful! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this myself! Thank you so much! Abel from Sacramento Ca.

  76. Carlton Vincent says:

    Thank You for pointing me in the right direction. The information
    that you have shared has been most helpful and stimulating. I am
    looking forward to being one of your successful students.

  77. Felecia says:

    GREAT tip. This is so TRUE. I have called potential prospects and the first thing they would say is, ‘I’m not gonna give my house away.’ All because I said that I was an ‘Investor’. Thanks Marko!!!

  78. Donald says:

    Marko, you are the poster boy for the American Dream. It is amazing how a simple statement can change your ability to help alot of people that are in distress out there. You are the most practical guru I have ever encountered in this business.

  79. AJ says:

    WOW that was simple. I’ll will try it and see what happens. Thanks so much!

  80. Chris says:

    This is really great stuff Marko I can’t wait to here all the other tips you have !!!!!

  81. John Lawrence Russo says:

    Great, Just one of the tickets to financial freedom that I needed, Thank You

  82. Daniel says:

    Good stuff,great approach to the seller,particularily liked the comment that using this approach will encourage the seller to begin selling you on their house.

  83. robert says:

    Three days ago, I got Marko’s secret tip no. 1 in my email and I was so impressed with it! I said, this is exactly the reason why I lost a lot of deals in my investing. Today, by the process of what I call, “law of attraction”, I am in Orlando, FL at Jeff Adams Foreclosure Academy and “eureka”! I found him today, January 29th, 2012 here at this event at Wyndham Orlando Resort! What a coincidence!

    I highly speak of this guy at this seminar and believe me his product software or system is selling like “hotcake” here! I decided without any hesitations at all to buy his software/system.

    I have spent close to $100,000.00in my RE education to more than dozens of different RE boot camp gurus and among them are the 3 well known GIANT RE EDUCATION gurus that charges very expensive mastery courses but so far,I can tell you this is one, if not, the BEST of them ALL.

    Robert B.

  84. Alaskan Success Inc says:

    yes, I will use this the next home owner we talk to. thanks for the advice.
    keep the money circulating…… Happy Hunting People…..

  85. One Investor DreamMa says:

    Marko The Power of Words Your the Man!

  86. Helen Landers says:

    I agree, because I was one time a seller and it makes perfect sense. People who have to sell are Not Happy about it but find comfort when treated with compassion and understanding. I feel their pain.

  87. Gwendolyn says:

    This information is a gold mine for sucess. It has me ready to hear more.

  88. Clinton R.Byrd says:

    This is great info.

  89. Bret Zeller says:

    Great common sense strategy… Thank’s Marco looking to the next

  90. Glen says:

    Thanks for the tip Marko. I have been investing in real estate full time since 2005, have bought and sold a lot of houses, and can honestly say I have lost many opportunites becasue “I was an investor” rather than a service in my initial approach.

    Just got your kit and am excited about your program and getting started.

  91. Fatima Dean says:

    Marko,I see it.i hear it,and I agree with you 105%.AMAZING!!!

  92. bob says:

    marko you are so different then all the so called gurus they promise the moon and you promise to teach the right way and the only way
    what you do teach makes so much sense and makes it easier to understand THANK YOU MARKO

  93. ADOLFO CASTRO says:

    WOWWW! What
    a tip.!!!

  94. Carol C says:

    I spoke to a seller today and had the wrong presentation. Tomorrow I will use this new approach. I can’ wait

  95. David says:

    This is great stuff!

  96. Joe says:

    thank you marko for the tip i will use it.

  97. myke says:

    Marko this make’s a lot of sense, thanks for that great tip. I’m looking forward to your mentoring.

  98. Nena Leal says:

    I think the tip he gave us is great and its going to really help us with the deals we’ll be doing. Thank you, Marko!

  99. ZEE PARNELL says:

    Great information in just starting! thanks Marko! zee

  100. doris says:

    eventhough i don;t see you in person, it tells that you are a nice guy, love to help people, always share ideas and straight to the point. My first approach to the seller didn’t not sound good. thanks for your ideas, see you soon. God bless..

  101. Lance says:

    What a Great approach! Instead of them putting up their guard and stepping back, Now, they lean forward and want to hear more details.

  102. Diana says:

    Awesome video and it makes a lot of sense. Thanks so much Marko!

  103. David D Miles Sr says:

    A very great and powerful tip! I know that I will make more deals with this tip!! Thank you Marko!!

  104. Jamie says:

    Marko, That is an AWESOME tip!!!
    I would not have thought of that… thanks for all your efforts in helping others succeed!!!

  105. Bill says:

    Once again you have incredible tips. It’s the little things that count in this business. Really, real estate is a people business. If you can talk to people easily, you are halfway there.
    What you showed in this video was what I like to call “A NINJA TECHNIQUE”. The customer doesn’t even know that you are positioning yourself to bag the sale. By the time they are actually in your office or your in theirs, they are so at ease, all you do is educate, and get a signature. IF you educate them correctly, they shouldn’t be able to argue at all.

  106. Rom Parani says:


    Excellent tip and will use it from now on. Thank you.

  107. Arli Sullemunn Jr says:

    What a great concept, with a disarming affect, well done Marko.

  108. Sidney says:

    Marko, you absolutely the best. In a couple of weeks I will be buying your system and joining you.
    Thank you

  109. Doug says:

    Marko I thought about what you said from a owners perspective. You are right! I would look at it like taking not helping.


  110. Elizabeth Martinez says:

    Yes Marko I agree with you 100% when we put others needs first
    our needs are met with out even thinking about it.

  111. Frankie M. says:

    To be honest, I’ve never heard this great tip from all the gurus seminars and bootcamps that I’ve attended to couple of years ago. I’ve discovered that only 80% of the information were given from the seminars and the remaining 20% were still missing. These are the vital informations the gurus don’t want us to know with the exception of Marko Rubel. Marko is a real deal. He is honest and genuine.

  112. Gwen Duncan says:

    Brilliant Marko!!!!

  113. Emily Taussig says:

    Thank you for suggesting that we stop using the word investor in the initial script, which suggests that the financial reason is the primary reason to work.

  114. Marie V. Miller says:

    I want so much to do this, the way you explain makes it easier to understand the material.
    Thanks Boss!

  115. Yudi says:

    your statement on the radio is like you’re really helping them to sell the house. But there’s gonna be some skeptical. I think it will be good for me to introduce myself that way too.

  116. Donavan Allen says:

    Now I know what to say! I’ll use that phrase from now on! Thanks Marko!

  117. William Lyman says:

    This shows how much in touch you are with the business and to me you just convinced me that out of all the people I have listen too in the past that you actually are one that is a true teacher. Thanks Marko, but the thing that I heard in one of your videos really got me to wondering if you were who you said you were is when I was listing to when you came to the US you said you got enough money and came here with one way ticket.I have travel allot and never heard of a non citizen coming here with one way ticket, but maybe you were just trying to show how inspired you were to come to the US. But I would like to know why you said that so I can build confidence being around you. I can’t help from being skeptical about everything that is surrounded in our business, other wise I would be broke right now. Which I am not to far away from if I make another wrong decision.

  118. Takuna says:

    Great stuff! Marko I am a real estate broker and I find your information to be refreshing. Looking forward to learning more from you. Also, I am a new comer and I hope to meet you soon!

  119. John says:

    Thanks. First impressions are really important. This will buffer the seller’s notion of how other buyers/investors have put them through & now it’s your turn. With their guard already up & ready to hang the phone up, this will certainly give them something to think about since the ‘days-on-market’ has been ticking.

  120. Pam Fastabend says:

    Great tip to do more deals.

  121. Susan Stine says:

    Marko that was a great tip!
    Thank you!
    That changes the game and we do want to make a difference and a win win for the seller and the buyer

  122. Mary says:

    This is fantastic. I have been trying to call sellers and this is what has been hanging me up. I am not an investor who wants to buy and hold, but put under contract to resell. I agree that sellers are turned off by the “investor” word and I feel uncomfortable saying I am one. Thank you so much, now I can move forward.

  123. Helen says:

    This is mind blowing. I have never heard anything like it before. You are the guy Marko.

  124. Mark Mease says:

    That was a great selling tip that I will use.

  125. Jeff Hall says:

    Great Tip, Thank You for the video. Show us more? I learned more today than i have all YEAR!

  126. Anna says:

    That is a really good tip – can’t wait to hear your other ones. Thanks

  127. BeckyJane says:

    Thank-you sooo much-I get it,can’t wait for the webinar on Thursday. Blessings and gratitude for this holiday season.

  128. aury says:

    plain and simple,however very powerful!

  129. Bob says:

    Valuable insight

  130. Doug says:

    What you said just makes sense. Why not have sellers on “our” side from the beginning, it makes any offer we make much more understandable.

  131. Gamalier says:

    I have been buying and fixing house the old fashion way, your methods are so easy to apply can’t wait to take your course soon thanks for the tip.

  132. Matt Erb says:

    Marko- Never would have guessed, amazing tip! Wish someone had told me this before, I look forward to using this tip on the next deals. Thanks.

  133. brazilian hair extensions says:

    Hola! Ive been following your web site for some time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from New Caney Tx! Just wanted to mention keep up the excellent job!

  134. Jamal says:

    Wow Marko. This is invaluable information. As a newbie, you have cut my learning curve in half. I have a website and am ready to do my first deal. My website states that we are investors, because that’s what I have been told to say byt the other so-called gurus. When I check my stats on the website, I have a ton of views and click-throughs, and now I see why. I am going to switch this up right away. It makes so much sense. I will let you know what happens…Wow again. Thanks Marko!


  135. Joe says:

    Marko hit the nail on the head, I discovered a long time ago that telling the seller we are a realestate service or consultant for sellers that buys or options their houses works great.

  136. Clayanna says:

    Great tip… Whole thing makes sense, because we are going to HELP them, achieve what they want.

  137. Rebecca says:

    Yes…. I agree that would make perrfect logical and Legal sense. Thank you

  138. Jason says:

    This is great stuff!

  139. Tilford says:

    Great Tip!!

  140. Yvette says:

    Great Tips this make a lot of sense!! Great

  141. HAL VERITY says:

    As usual fine tuning is the key to success, service is the number one criteria for making money and being successful. i have always said the you have incredible sincerity. Keep it up.

  142. robert cagle says:

    very informative, direct and to the point. this small piece of information will be invaluable.
    thank you very much
    robert cagle

  143. Lynne says:

    Makes sense.

  144. Paula says:

    great tip! Never thought of that til I saw this video! Now show me how to buy and sell with no money and credit…Im hungry for more!!

  145. Rick says:

    This confirms my suspicion after listening to others it always felt wrong to inform people that you are an investor. There are a lot of negative connotations surrounding investors.

  146. Doris F. says:

    I love the idea of educating people and actually helping them with their situations instead of taking advantage of them. Anytime I can be part of a win/win situation for all parties involved, it’s a really good thing! I can’t wait to get started!

  147. Leslie says:

    Great info too know i’m a newbie so, i needs all the great info too help me succeed in this wonderful business i’m ready to embark upon

  148. DC says:

    Thank you so much Marko! You are a blessing.

  149. stella mayeux says:

    Yes, I definately agree with this. This way will probably get one foot into their home. thank’s stella mayeux

  150. ronnie says:

    outstanding information, It makes more scents. Thank You

  151. ronnie says:

    very educational to know ,Because I was always told to say that with my trainning into realestate. you very much for I thank for helping me realize differantly

  152. Patrice says:

    I’m learning so much. Now I know what to say when I get started

  153. Corky Chavers says:

    Great idea Mark. Now I have to go back into all of my websites to change the language for better service to potential sellers.

  154. Samuel Baker says:

    Very HelpFUL

  155. Jerome Davis says:

    Good information other gurus are are not saying.

  156. Jim says:

    Excellent! This does make sense.

  157. Peppi says:

    Im canadian resident.can i do this program ? or is it for us only?

  158. Michael says:


    That is an outstanding tip and I look forward to learning from you!!!


  159. Debbie says:

    Marco, great tip… I can see how this can flip the sellers mindset.

  160. Thomas Roth says:

    Hi Marko, thank’s for your tip! It sound like you make Real Estate
    Business more understandible! I look forward to learning more from

    Thanks, Thomas

  161. George Stojanovich says:

    Excellent way to have the seller on your side.

  162. Nang says:

    WOW”’ this is a good way to say it to a potential seller. I will be saying this on my first deal, thank you.

  163. Anthony H. says:

    Very motivating!

  164. James Pace says:

    I am new to Real Estate. I didn’t know what to say. This does help with my confidence when talking to sellers.

    What do I say when the seller ask how long I have been in Real Estate, and why I want to buy their house?

  165. Victor says:

    Great strategy We need to show people that we are there to solve their problem, not to impress them that we are investors.

  166. UDO GINCZEK says:

    LAUREL, MARYLAND, USA 240-786-5721 …



  167. Pat Sitko says:

    Thanks again for excellent information. Npw it’s up to me to get the courage & motivation.

  168. Patrick Adams says:

    I know this works and I will be calling your support office right after I get back home today. Thank you, Patrick Adams

  169. sammy says:

    I would like to thank you for Tip #1 We have spent a lot of money just to have them teach us the wrong way. Thank You so much for this Tip.

  170. Michael says:

    Interesting twist on approach. Yes, presentation is key.

  171. Martin Chau says:

    Wealthy information, Thanx a lot.Kep it up…

  172. MIKE HOLMES says:

    very educational will try it

  173. Janet says:

    In my opinion I think this is a much better way to represent ourselves without sounding like we are about to cheat a home owner out of something.Plus RE investors right now when people see us coming thing we are out to steal something. Thank you !

  174. Evette says:

    As a beginner I really did not know what to say. So Thank you Marko for this great eye open. God continue to bless you and your family. SMILE!!!

  175. emmanuel says:

    This information is priceless. The statement shows empathy and creates a rapport with the seller. Thanks Marko

  176. Eric says:

    I am broke and ready to make lots of MONEY!!!!!!!

  177. dan sayles says:

    as a novice new to real estate and your programs I am already feeling empowered. How good it feels to know I won’t be making such a fundamental mistake right out the gate. Everything in my preparation to start my business stressed having a mentor. Looks like I picked a good one.

  178. JAMIE PHILLIPS says:


  179. Glenn Perkins says:

    Great intro line.

  180. Scott F says:

    Marko, you are the essence of good hope! Looking forward to impletion of your techniques.

    Thanks SO much

  181. Robert G. Machala says:

    Great advise Marko!! How can I get my free video…. Thank you, Robert..

  182. Reeta says:

    Its good to know that people got good result.I believe it can help me too.thanx.